We offer ENT & audiology services and treatment plans tailored to meet your unique needs. From comprehensive evaluations to custom hearing aid fittings, our staff combines years of experience with state-of-the-art technology to find the best solution for you.
Breathe Easily Again
From allergy testing to immunotherapy and everything in between, our comprehensive allergy services are designed to help you find relief from your symptoms and enjoy a better quality of life.
Treatment is an opportunity to shorten recovery times. Modern care is less invasive than techniques used in the past, offering prompt solutions for a variety of sinus health issues.
More on Allergy and SinusAvoiding potential allergens is impossible when you don’t know the cause. A thorough examination of the symptoms will confirm the real triggers that cause allergy ear infection. In-clinic treatment and home remedies are both viable options for a better future.
More on Allergy Ear InfectionRest and fluids are the best ways to deal with chronic sinusitis. But before you get to the self-help options, all of the symptoms need to be evaluated. To help with treatment, make a list of all symptoms before scheduling the first appointment.
More on Chronic SinusitisDizziness can occur because of a number of factors, with some of them connected to more serious conditions. Hearing and balance tests will quickly narrow down the cause. During the treatment phase, it is important to follow up about progress with your ENT doctor.
More on DizzinessHay fever diagnosis consists of a noninvasive skin prick test or a quick allergy blood test. With all of the information gathered, ENT doctors can recommend the appropriate treatment. Getting relief fast will also require restricting your exposure to the trigger.
More on Hay FeverRhinitis shares a lot of similarities with hay fever, and is sometimes considered the chronic version. The sufferer will often deal with sneezing, itchy nose, watery eyes and congestion. Just like hay fever, the right treatment and small lifestyle modifcations can make all the difference in the world.
More on Rhinitis
Audiology Services
Hear Life to the Fullest
Our expert audiologists provide a full range of services, including hearing evaluations, hearing aid fittings, and ongoing support, to help you maintain optimal hearing health and stay connected to the world around you.
The diagnostic audiologic evaluation is for individuals that experience hearing loss, whether it’s your first time being tested or you’re concerned your condition has worsened. To simplify the evaluation, make sure to provide all necessary health information requested by the clinic.
More on Diagnostic Audiologic EvaluationThe evaluation for hearing aids is a totally new process for a first-time wearer – having questions is totally normal! There are plenty of brands, features and style choices. The audiologist will provide support and plenty of information during this evaluation, so patients should always talk through options in detail.
More on Evaluation for Hearing AidsYour hearing aid fitting will be an exciting appointment! Your audiologist will walk you through how to properly insert and remove your devices, the cleaning and maintenance of your device and proper usage. You will have your hearing aids programmed to your specific hearing needs and will learn how to use the different features and settings.
More on Hearing Aid Dispensing & FittingNormal maintenance can resolve the most common issues with hearing aids. When home repair isn’t the solution, you can bring the device to the clinic for in-office fixes. Anything that can’t be fixed in a timely manner is sent off to the manufacturer for more extensive repairs or replacement. While the order is being processed, patients can discuss loaner hearing aids or alternative options on a case-by-case basis.
More on Hearing Aid Repair & MaintenanceUntreated hearing loss can impact your child’s development and academics, making it pertinent you visit an audiologist if you suspect any problems. We have a host of tests designed with children in mind, ensuring we get to the bottom of your child’s issues! If hearing aids are recommended to help your child, we’ll talk to you about the most beneficial solutions for their specific needs.
More on Hearing Care for Infants and ChildrenA noisy workplace environment can become dangerous without protection. Some employers are mandated to provide hearing screenings based on any job that has an 85db or higher exposure. Mobile stations for the industrial hearing screenings are quick, and the results are life changing.
More on Industrial Hearing ScreeningTinnitus can interrupt your daily routines, whether you’re trying to concentrate on a conversation or wanting to catch some shuteye. The random phantom sounds make it hard to focus on your everyday activities. We’ll talk to you about your tinnitus treatment options and help you find the right course of action to get you the relief you need!
More on Tinnitus Treatment Options
Ears Service
Comprehensive Ear Care
Whether you’re experiencing ear pain, hearing loss, or other ear-related issues, our skilled ENT physicians are here to diagnose and treat a wide range of conditions, ensuring the health and function of your ears.
An ear infection can occur in one or both ears at the same time, leading to headaches, fever, pain and trouble hearing. Whether this is the first infection or a recurring problem, an ENT doctor can help assess the situation and recommend a long-term solution.
More on Ear InfectionEarwax is an essential part of hearing health, but too much buildup can cause blockages, earaches and other issues. Your hearing provider can remove significant blockages in the office and give you instructions for proper cleaning at home.
More on Earwax RemovalA child and infant may have to deal with mild or serious pediatric ear infection. Although it is common and treatable, parents should never underestimate the long-term damage. Untreated ear infections can impact your auditory health may lead to developmental or learning issues as infants grow older.
More on Pediatric Ear InfectionSwimmer’s ear requires looking at the ear canal and eardrum of the affected individual. If further testing is required, an additional evaluation is scheduled. Swimmer’s ear is a mild infection that can significantly worsen without the appropriate treatment, whether it is a child or adult.
More on Swimmer's EarVertigo is often misunderstood as an actual condition rather than a symptom of a condition. It is a sensation that makes you feel off balance at random times. Vertigo attacks can be reduced with vestibular rehabilitation training or medicine.
More on Vertigo
Nose/Sinus Services
Clearer Breathing, Better Living
From chronic sinusitis to nasal obstruction and beyond, our advanced nose and sinus treatments are designed to alleviate your symptoms, improve your breathing, and enhance your overall well-being.
The loss of smell is called anosmia. For most people, the loss of smell begins to deteriorate after the age of 60, and the majority of elderly people lose their sense of smell almost completely. Mouth and nose specialists report that the ability to smell is at its peak between the ages of 30 and 60.
More on Loss of SmellNasal cautery is a procedure that was created to treat chronic nose bleeds. It is a simple operation that can be done in office as a standalone, or in addition to other procedures. Expectations are different depending on the age of the patient, cause of the nose bleeds and the recommendations of the ENT doctor.
More on Nose BleedsTongue problems can be painful, with ankyloglossia leading to a lifetime of discomfort. Restriction of tongue movement also has a history of leading to speech issues. Surgery and symptom management are the two most popular ways to deal with this condition.
More on Problem of the TongueSinusitis can be treated with over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription medications. For chronic sinusitis, surgery may be better suited to relieve the symptoms that come with the condition. The three main types of surgery recommended for more severe cases of sinusitis include: functional endoscopic surgery, turbinate reduction surgery (often combined with another procedure such as septoplasty) and balloon sinuplasty.
More on SinusitisSnoring can be a normal part of sleeping, but it can also be a symptom of larger medical issues. Everyone is directly or indirectly affected by snoring, so finding out the cause and if treatment is applicable can be beneficial to all. An examination can point out the source to ensure that restful sleeping habits return to normal.
More on SnoringA stuffy nose is usually caused by bad nasal obstructions. This restricts nasal passages to prevent proper airflow in both directions. Finding out the type of nasal obstruction will allow an ENT doctor to recommend the best course of action.
More on Stuffy Nose
Throat/Neck Services
Expert Care for Your Voice and Neck
Our experienced ENT specialists provide comprehensive diagnostics and treatments for a variety of throat and neck conditions, helping you maintain clear communication, comfortable swallowing, and optimal neck health.
Dizziness can occur because of a number of factors, with some of them connected to more serious conditions. Hearing and balance tests will quickly narrow down the cause. During the treatment phase, it is important to follow up about progress with your ENT doctor.
More on Difficulty SwallowingThere are heavy risk factors associated with untreated hoarseness with the general population. It’s not always from a disease, but vocal cord problems can rise from a variety of causes. To avoid further complications, an overall health examination is recommended.
More on HoarsenessA hoarse voice is a common symptom of laryngitis, one of the most common infections in world. As the infection grows, the hoarseness leads to a total loss of your voice. ENT doctors use laryngoscopy as a lead-in to a biopsy to help with treatment.
More on LaryngitisAirway disorders are scary to deal with when there is no one around to help. A comprehensive treatment package provides the relief needed to continue eating, breathing and swallowing normally. Without timely care, an airway problem will remain a lingering health issue.
More on Pediatric Airway ProblemsReflux can be temporary, but it may also be connected to a larger digestive disease. As your body becomes unable to handle the acid and bile buildup, symptoms like heartburn and coughing may worsen. It’s never too early to worry about reflux, and never too late to get a diagnosis.
More on RefluxSo, you have a sore throat, cough, runny nose and congestion. Have you caught a common cold or do you have allergy symptoms? Sometimes, it is even difficult for doctors to distinguish between the two, because their symptoms can be so similar. If you have a persistent throat discomfort accompanied by other allergy symptoms, consider an allergy sore throat.
More on Sore ThroatYour previous medical history will be a big help in diagnosing issues involving swollen glands. This is a symptom that is not always as straightforward as other ENT issues. A physical exam and blood tests can paint a clearer picture for future treatment plans.
More on Swollen Glands